Close-form for any linear recurrence sequences?
This blog is part of a series dedicated to linear recurrence sequences. In the Series page you can find all the posts of the series. |
In previous posts, I discussed what is a linear recurrence sequence, and how to compute close-form expression to generate them in the case their generating functions have distinct poles:
In this blog, I will show how to extend these results to include also the case of linear recurrence sequences with and without distinct poles.
In the first blog, I showed that the generating function for M-linear recurrence sequence is given by a rational function or $F(z) = P(z)/Q(z) $ for $P(z)$ and $Q(z)$ two polynomials of order $M-1$ and $M$, respectively. In this case partial fraction decomposition or expansion of sequence generator function $F(z)$ as following1:
\[F(z) = \sum^{D}_{i=1} \sum^{m_i}_{k=1} \frac{r_{ik}}{(z-\eta_i)^k}\]where $\eta_i$ and $m_i$ are values and multiplicity of i-th pole, $c_{ik}$ is the residue value of i-th pole in where $k$ is an index that run over all the i-th pole multiplicities, and $D$ is the number of distinct poles so that $\sum^{D}_{i=1} m_i = M$.
We can follow the same steps as the previous post2 using the fact that3
\[(1-x)^{-k} = \sum_{n \geq 0} \binom{k+n-1}{n} x^n\]resulting in closed form for any linear recursive sequence as
\[f_n = \sum^{D}_{i=1} c_i(n) \eta_i^{-n}\]in where
\[c_i(n) = \sum^{m_i}_{k=1} \binom{k+n-1}{n} (-\eta_i)^{-k} r_{ik}\]Exercise: follow the similar steps in the previous post and prove the above result.
A few remarks about this close form compare to the more restricted case in previous blog2. It uses directly the value of the poles $\eta_i$ instead its reciprocal $\rho_i$. Moreover, the “coefficients” associated to each pole $c_i(n)$ are now actually functions of $n$ in the case pole multiplicity $m_i > 1$.
Now, you can say ok let get to the coding because we are finally done with this. However, I realize at this point (yes, almost at the end) that there are other very common linear recurrence sequences that are NOT covered by the formulation in this series of posts. For example, take a look at the following sequence (A006904)4
\[f_n = \begin{cases} 1 & n = 0 \text{ and } n = 1 \newline f_{n-1} + 2f_{n-2} + (-1)^n & n > 1 \end{cases}\]in where this sequence does not follow the definition of linear recurrence sequence given in the first blog of this series5, because of the extra term $(-1)^n$ that make the recurrence inhomogeneous.
Therefore we need to take a break, to learn how to handle these inhomogeneous linear recurrence sequences. I am planning to do so in the next post.

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