Fibonacci recursive and iterative algorithms
This blog is part of a series dedicated to Fibonacci sequence. In the Series page you can find the other posts of the series. |
The subject of this blog started as a simple coding exercise to illustrate to some of my coworkers one of my early intuition about recursive and iterative algorithms.
Roughly speaking, I will be calling a recursive algorithm to any algorithm that solves a particular problem by calling directly or indirectly to itself. Each call input is smaller or modified version of the initial problem instance. Alternative, a iterative algorithm is an algorithm that solves instances of a problem by a series of steps or iterations. The expectation is that after a number of those steps, the algorithm can output a sound approximation or exact solution for each instance.
Since my teens I had a conjecture, that I would call Bazterra’s conjecture #11 without following any particular order.
The relationship between recursive and iterative algorithms is by no means anything new, and it’s currently a well-understood concept. Moreover, there are heuristics rules of when is reasonable to use recursive or iterative algorithm based on the problem instance sizes, and language characteristics used in its implementation2.
You can find a simple recursive and iterative versions written in javascript to compute the Fibonacci series in my example GitHub repo. The Fibonacci series is a sequence of numbers defined by the following linear recurrence equation
%% f_n = f_{n-1} + f_{n-2} \text{ for any } n > 1 %%
with initial values \|f_0 = 0\| and \|f_1 = 1\|.
Eventually, I found out that I was not very original when choosing this series for comparing recursive and iterative algorithms that can solve the same problem3. Even more, in the reference [3] the recursive implementation of the Fibonacci is an example of excessive recursion, more about that this in another blog.
From multiple sources I also learned a third way of implementing the series using a closed-form expression or formula for the Fibonacci series4. This is basically:
%% f_n = \left[\frac{\varphi^n}{\sqrt{5}}\right] %%
where \|\varphi = \frac{1}{2}\left(1+\sqrt{5}\right)\|, and \|[\cdot]\| denote rounding to the closes integer.
Because I am not formally trained in algorithms, I thought to myself how in the world can this be the Fibonacci series?. Where is the magic that connects Fibonacci recurrence with this formula? Moreover, if you are looking for a more numerological or mystical connection, the constant \|\varphi\| is the famous golden ration5.
In my next post, I will try to break this mystical spell by showing that indeed this formula can be used to compute Fibonacci series.
This will be one of my recurrent jokes in this blog, inspired by another Argentinian-American physics know to come up with “simple conjectures” such as AdS/CFT correspondence or more recently ER=EPR. ↩
Adam Drozdek, Data Structures, and Algorithms in C++, chap 5.. ↩
Including from some people complaining because they were asked about it in job interviews! ↩

Note of a interdiciplinarian by Victor E. Bazterra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.