Are closures trivial?
This blog is part of a series dedicated to function closures. In the Series page you can find the other posts of the series. |
In the initial post of the series, I said that I found closures a bit trivial for a high-level language. However, I ended up writing four blogs about them. This last post is to explain what I meant by this statement to avoid looking like as a self-contradicting arrogant.
Imagine in javascript passing callback functions without a closure. Due to the asynchronous nature of most of the applications in where javascript performs well, this could mean that callback’s environment is inconsistent or undefined at the time it is called. The same applies when passing and returning functions in general, where for most scenarios, their execution is delegated to other scopes entirely different to those in where functions were created. It seems as the only way to have a consistent behavior with object functions is by having closures.
One way to support this point, it is to look at language without closures until recent, that is C++. With the introduction of anonymous functions in C++11 standard came unavoidably the possibility of capture variables into closures1. A minimal working example is shown below, where I return an anonymous function after capturing context variable.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
auto CreateClosure(const auto & context) {
return [context]() { return context; };
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
// Creating closure in with "a unmutable" object
// where context is captured by copy or value
auto closure = CreateClosure("A");
cout << "context in closureA: " << closure() << endl;
return 0;
Now, one big difference, relative to javascript and python cases, is the fact that in C++ you must specify if variable needs to be captured by copy/value or by reference. For example, in the code above, context variable is captured by copy that is the default option. This feature is somewhat unavoidable in case of C++ in where object types are low-level construct besides that C++ is not garbage collected. Therefore, it is essential to control the mechanism to capture variables, to explicitly define the part of the code responsible for freeing resources consume by capture variables.
Please follow the links for working C++ examples in where I test creating anonymous functions by capturing a variable by copy and by reference.
A previous post I discussed how variables could be shared between closures. I also explain the apparent lifetime extension for captured variables2. An equivalent example in C++ would be as shown next example3.
#include <functional>
template<typename T>
tuple<function<T()>, function<void(T)>> CreateMethods(const T & value)
T context = value;
return {
[&context]() { return context; },
[&context](T value) { context = value; }
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
auto [getContext, setContext] = CreateMethods("A")
return 0;
The problem with this code is that its behavior is undefined. This is because context is captured by reference, and context value is destroyed as soon as CreateMethods(…) returns, resulting in a closure with a dangling reference. This is commonly summarized by saying in C++ closure do no extend variables lifetime4. You can pass the variable by copy, but in that case, those changes are done using setContext(…) only affects its local copy of context, and it is not possible to retrieve a copy of its value by calling getContext(). In short, capturing by value does not allow sharing a reference to the value of context between closures!
I wrote two versions of closures with dangling references BrokenSharedContextClosures1.C and BrokenSharedContextClosures2.C. These programs crash very differently based on my tests, even though they are mostly the same. I follow what is happening to input object by using a LifetimeProbe object like the one introduced for python examples in the previous post2.
The fact that C++ does not extend the lifetime of the variables captured by closure is not a limitation of the language but related to the fact C++ does not have a garbage collector. This does not mean that we cannot almost trivially emulate one using, for example, smart pointers. Take a look at the code below in where context is a shared pointer to a new value.
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
template<typename T>
tuple<function<T()>, function<void(T)>> CreateMethods(const T & value)
shared_ptr<T> context(new T(value));
return {
[context]() { return (*context); },
[context](const T & value) { (*context) = value; }
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
auto [getContext, setContext] = CreateMethods("A")
return 0;
In this example, context is capture by copy by both methods: setContext, getContext. The “values” of context is in reality references to an object in memory. This means that both methods have a different copy of a shared pointer in where both point to the same object in memory. When closures are destroyed at the end of the program, the last shared pointer will destroy the object value in memory. Here there is a fully working example of closures having references to same value using a smart pointer. We use the LifetimeProbe object to follow how objects are created and destroyed.
So, are closures trivial? Of course not. However, it is crucial recognize they are an unavoidable result when supporting function objects!
This code uses several new features from C++11 and also upcoming C++17 such as decomposition declaration. It seems that the syntax is so new that is confusing the code highlighting. Anyways, I compiled this code using g++ version 7.2.0 with the option -std=c++1z. ↩

Note of a interdiciplinarian by Victor E. Bazterra is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.