Xmas blog: Andrew Ng's missing notes about back-propagation
I used to work with machine learning techniques from Genetic Algorithms in my Ph.D. thesis, to different flavors of multivariate analysis techniques in high energy physics such as Bayesian Neural Networks, Boosted Decision Tree, and Neuroevolution of Augmented Topologies (a combination or neural networks and genetic algorithms).
So, although I cannot say I am an expert, I considered myself with some knowledge in the field of supervised learning in particular for hypothesis testing. Therefore, I was puzzled by the sudden rise of deep learning in recent years. In particular, my curiosity grew when I realized most of the deep learning revolution was driven by supervised training of multilayered neural networks using the old-school back-propagation algorithm. I do remember reading in the 90’s Introduction to the theory of neural computation in where back-propagation was fully described, implementing steepest descent already with momentum and adaptive learning rates.
Because I was curious, I decided it was time to get some training on this to learn what is new in the field. I took the very good Andrew Ng’s deep learning specialization at coursera that manage to be very practical, conceptually correct (as far I can understand), and comprehensive introduction to this new machine-learning twist. My goal was to learn what precisely change that made deep learning a new trend. From what I gather, it seems most of the recent revolution is driven by three main factors:
- The considerable amount computer power from new GPUs for vectorized algorithms.
- The explosion of labeled data generated by people interacting with technology.
- The availability of highly scalable algorithms for supervised learning.
It is likely the popularity of the steepest decent back-propagated algorithm is due to the fact they can be easily vectorized making them a natural fit to be implemented with GPUs.
Andrew Ng designs his course for a broad audience, and therefore some part of the technical details are omitted. However, he does emphasize the need to know some calculus, and he introduces some basic concepts anytime he can. But when deriving the backpropagation algorithm, he avoids its derivation and just uses some heuristics to motivate the result.
In this post, I write down my notes in where I derive Andrew’s version of backpropagation in the sense I am using Andrew’s notation. I am assuming that you (the reader) are taking the specialization, or otherwise you are familiar with the subject. What I use in this derivation is calculus’ chain rule that was mention by Andrew but omitted entirely in the first course of the specialization1. This post does not have any programming examples because there are plenty of frameworks with efficient implementation of this algorithm2.
The next figure shows a deep neural network (multilayered neural network) using Andrew’s notation.
The activation value for the j-node in the l-layer when input the i-example of the training set (annotated as $ a^{[l](i)}_j $) is computed using the following forward-propagated algorithm:
\[\begin{aligned} z^{[l](i)}_j &= \sum^{n^{[l-1]}}_{k=1} w^{[l]}_{jk} a^{[l-1](i)}_k + b^{[l]}_j \newline a^{[l](i)}_j &= g^{[l]}\left(z^{[l](i)}_j\right) \end{aligned}\]where $g^{[l]}(\cdot)$ is the activation function in the l-layer. These equations can be written in using matrix and vector notation as
\[\begin{aligned} Z^{[l]} &= W^{[l]} A^{[l-1]} + B^{[l]} \newline A^{[l]} &= g^{[l]}\left(Z^{[l]}\right) \end{aligned}\]If there are $L$ layers and in each one there are $n^{[l]}$ nodes, and your training set contains $ m $ examples, then the dimensions of the previous matrices and vectors are:
\[\begin{aligned} A^{[l]}, Z^{[l]} &\in \mathbb{R}^{\left(n^{[l]} \times m\right)} \newline W^{[l]} &\in \mathbb{R}^{\left(n^{[l]} \times n^{[l-1]}\right)} \newline B^{[l]} &\in \mathbb{R}^{\left(n^{[l]} \times m\right)} \end{aligned}\]Supervised learning goal is to minimize a cost function $\mathcal{C}$ define as the average of a loss function $\mathcal{L}$ over the whole training set
\[\mathcal{C} = \frac{1}{m} \sum^m_{i=1} \mathcal{L}\left(A^{[L](i)},Y^{(i)}\right)\]in where the loss function introduces the notion of how wrong is the activation values of the last layer relative to the labels of your training set ${Y^{(i)}}$. The form of the loss function depends on the type of learning being done like logistic regression, softmax regression, or multitasking learning as a few examples3. However, we do not need to assume any particular functional form for the loss function to derive backpropagation algorithm.
The minimization of cost function is done by updating neural network weights ${W^{[l]}}$ and bias ${B^{[l]}}$ using in the simplest case the steepest or gradient descent algorithm as follows
\[\begin{aligned} W^{[l]} & = W^{[l]} - \alpha dW^{[l]} \newline B^{[l]} & = B^{[l]} - \alpha dB^{[l]} \end{aligned}\]in where $\alpha$ is a constant learning rate, $ dW^{[l]} $ and $ dB^{[l]} $ is Andrew’s short notation for the gradient of the cost function relatively network weights and biases, more details of the notation will be given shortly.
The goal of the back-propagation algorithm is to compute the gradient of the cost function for an arbitrary deep neural network efficiently. The main tool to derive back-propagation equations is the chain rule of derivatives4. The rule says that the derivative of the composition of two functions $f: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ and $G: \mathbb{R}^m \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$ is given by the following expression:
\[\frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} f(G(X)) = \sum^n_{i=1} \frac{\partial f}{\partial g_j}\Big\vert_{G(X)} \frac{\partial g_j}{\partial x_i}\Big\vert_{X}\]or in words, the derivative of the composition of two functions can be written as the sum of the multiplication of the derivatives of the individual functions that make the composition.
We now can derive the expression for two very important auxiliaries gradients. The first one is the gradient of the loss function as a function of node activation:
\[\begin{aligned} {\color{blue} da^{[l](i)}_j} = \frac{\partial \mathcal{\color{blue} L}}{\partial a^{[l](i)}_j} & = \sum^{n^{[l+1]}}_{j'=1} \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial z^{[l+1](i)}_{j'}} \frac{\partial z^{[l+1](i)}_{j'}}{\partial a^{[l](i)}_j} \newline &= \sum^{n^{[l+1]}}_{j'=1} dz^{[l+1](i)}_{j'} w^{[l+1]}_{j'j} \newline {\color{blue} dA^{[l]}} &= W^{[l+1]\top} {\color{blue} dZ^{[l+1]}} \end{aligned}\]in where I used the blue color to designate this gradient is of the loss function instead of the cost function. The second gradient is of the loss function relative to the value of the nodes before applying the activation function:
\[\begin{aligned} {\color{blue} dz^{[l](i)}_j} = \frac{\partial \color{blue}\mathcal{L}}{\partial z^{[l](i)}_j} &= \sum^{n^{[l]}}_{j'=1} \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial a^{[l](i)}_{j'}} \frac{\partial a^{[l](i)}_{j'}}{\partial z^{[l](i)}_j} \newline &= \sum^{n^{[l]}}_{j'=1} da^{[l](i)}_{j'} g^{[l]'}\left(z^{[l](i)}_j\right)\delta_{j'j} \newline {\color{blue} dZ^{[l]}} &= {\color{blue} dA^{[l]}} \odot g^{[l]'}\left(Z^{[l]}\right) \end{aligned}\]in where the notation $\odot$ represent the element-wise or Hadamard product5. It is possible to see that the values of $dA^{[l]}$ and therefore also $dZ^{[l]}$ depend on the values $dZ^{[l+1]}$ of the forward layer and the reason the algorithm is called back-propagation (or backprop for short).
It is possible to estimate the gradient of the cost function relative to network weights using previous auxiliaries gradients as
\[\begin{aligned} {\color{red} dw^{[l]}_{jk}} = \frac{\partial \color{red}\mathcal{C}}{\partial w^{[l]}_{jk}} &= \sum^{m}_{i=1}\sum^{n^{[l]}}_{j'=1} \frac{\partial \mathcal{C}}{\partial z^{[l](i)}_{j'}} \frac{\partial z^{[l](i)}_{j'}}{\partial w^{[l]}_{jk}} \newline &= \frac{1}{m} \sum^{m}_{i=1} {\color{blue} dz^{[l](i)}_{j}} a^{[l-1](i)}_{k} \newline {\color{red} dW^{[l]}} &= \frac{1}{m} {\color{blue} dZ^{[l]}} A^{[l-1]\top} \end{aligned}\]and network biases as
\[\begin{aligned} {\color{red} db^{[l]}_{j}} = \frac{\partial \color{red}\mathcal{C}}{\partial b^{[l]}_{j}} &= \sum^{m}_{i=1}\sum^{n^{[l]}}_{j'=1} \frac{\partial \mathcal{C}}{\partial z^{[l](i)}_{j'}} \frac{\partial z^{[l](i)}_{j'}}{\partial b^{[l]}_{j}} \newline &= \frac{1}{m} \sum^{m}_{i=1} {\color{blue} dz^{[l](i)}_{j}} \newline {\color{red} dB^{[l]}} &= \frac{1}{m} \sum^{m}_{i=1} \left({\color{blue} dZ^{[l]}}\right)_{ji} \end{aligned}\]by merely applying the chain rule. As result and complementary to forward-propagating equations to evaluate networks activation functions, you also have back-propagating equations to compute the gradient of the cost function as follow
\[\begin{aligned} {\color{blue} dA^{[l]}} &= W^{[l+1]\top} {\color{blue} dZ^{[l+1]}} \newline {\color{blue} dZ^{[l]}} &= {\color{blue} dA^{[l]}} \odot g^{[l]'}\left(Z^{[l]}\right) \newline {\color{red} dW^{[l]}} &= \frac{1}{m} {\color{blue} dZ^{[l]}} A^{[l-1]\top} \newline {\color{red} dB^{[l]}} &= \frac{1}{m} \sum^{m}_{i=1} \left({\color{blue} dZ^{[l]}}\right)_{ji} \end{aligned}\]in where they are initialized using for value ${\color{blue} dZ^{[L]}}$ of the last layer by the following equation.
\[{\color{blue} dZ^{[L]}} = {\color{blue} dA^{[L]}} \odot g^{[L]'}\left(Z^{[L]}\right)\]For example, in the case of logistic regression, there is one node in the last layer of the network $n^{[D]} = 1$ and the loss function is defined by the cross-entropy formula
\[\mathcal{L}\left(\hat{y},y\right) =- (1-y)\ln(1-\hat{y})-y\ln(\hat{y})\]between the predicted value $\hat{y} = a^{[D]}$ and actual label in you training set $y$, and the activation function of the last layer is given by the sigmoid function $g^{[D]}(z) = 1/(1+e^{-z})$ then ${\color{blue} dZ^{[L]}}$ is simply the difference between the predicted value and label of the training sample:
\[{\color{blue} dZ^{[L]}} = \hat{Y} - Y\]So here you have it. One of the main advantages of Andrew’s notation is that it explicitly shows how to vectorize the backpropagation algorithm of a deep neural network when running training. This explicit notation helps to make the emphasis that the backprop can be efficiently implemented using GPU, making the grandpa of supervised-learning algorithms the currently the most popular approach in deep learning applications.
Example are tensorflow or Matlab. ↩
Logistic regression, Softmax regression, and Multi-task learning. ↩

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