Inhomogeneous linear recurrence sequences
This blog is part of a series dedicated to linear recurrence sequences. In the Series page you can find all the posts of the series. |
This post is the last of a series of posts in where I discuss how to compute closed-form expression for any linear recurrence sequences, see below.
- Linear recurrence sequences
- Linear recurrence sequences with distinct poles
- Close-form for any linear recurrence sequences?
In the previous post, I found that the procedure does not work for a sequence with inhomogeneous linear recurrences. So let’s start first defining what these kind of sequences are.
The challenge now is that embedded in the recurrence, there is a whole new sequence $g_n$ that somewhat break any regularity brought by the linear recurrence. So, we need some assumption about $g_n$ to make possible to derive a close-form expression. Let’s $G(z)$ the generating function of the sequence $g_n$ and, lets assume it can be expressed as a rational function $G(z)=P_I(z)/G_I(z)$ where $P_I(z)$ and $G_I(z)$ are any two polynomials (suffix I is because they related to inhomogeneous series).
It is not hard to prove following similar steps as one shown in a previous post1 that the generating function $F(z)$ for sequence $f_n$ can be written then as
\[\begin{aligned} Q_O(z)F(z) &= P_O(z) + z^M G(z) \newline Q_O(z)F(z) &= P_O(z) + z^M \frac{P_I(z)}{Q_I(x)} \newline F(z) &= \frac{P_O(z)Q_I(z) + z^M P_I(z)}{Q_O(z)Q_I(z)} \newline &= \frac{P(z)}{Q(z)} \end{aligned}\]in where $P_O(z)$ and $Q_O(z)$ are polynomials that form a rational generating function for homogeneous $f_n$ sequence, e.i. the sequence resulting of linear recurrence for case $g_n = 0$ as defined also previous sections.
In summary, we define sufficient condition so the inhomogeneous sequence has a rational function as its generator. Therefore, we can now use what was developed in the previous blog to derive a closed form2.
There is however one caveat. The polynomial order or degree for $\text{deg}(P)$ and $\text{deg}(Q)$ depend on $G(z)$, and it could be not true that $\text{deg}(P) < \text{deg}(Q)$ as it was always the case homogeneous recurrence sequences. As result the partial fraction decomposition of the generating function for the whole sequence could contain a residual polynomial with coefficients $h_i$ resulting in
\[F(z) = \sum^{D}_{i=1} \sum^{m_i}_{k=1} \frac{r_{ik}}{(z-\eta_i)^k} + \mathbf{1} _{\{\Delta_{\deg} \geq 0\}} \sum^{\Delta_{\deg}}_{i=0} h_i z^i\]where $\Delta_{\text{deg}} = \text{deg}(P) - \text{deg}(Q)$, and $ \mathbf{1}$ is the indicator function2. The resulting expression becomes like the one the previous post for homogeneous sequences because in that case $\text{deg}(P) = M-1$ and $\text{deg}(Q) = M$3. Using this updated partial decomposition, it is not hard to follow the same steps as previous post resulting in a general close form as
\[f_n = \sum^{D}_{i=1} c_i(n) \eta^{-n}_i + \mathbf{1} _{\{\Delta_{\deg} \geq 0\}} \sum^{\Delta_{\deg}}_{i=0} h_i \delta_{in}.\]in where
\[c_i(n) = \sum^{m_i}_{k=1} \binom{k+n-1}{n} (-\eta_i)^{-k} r_{ik}\]I show the pseudocode to compute the closed form below.
You can implement this pseudocode in any high-level language, here are two examples using matlab and python.
Let me give you now a numerical example using the sequence example of previous blog (A006904)4:
\[f_n = \begin{cases} 1 & n = 0 \text{ and } n = 1 \\ f_{n-1} + f_{n-2} + (-1)^n & n > 1 \end{cases}\]This sequence has as recursive coefficients $a = (1,2)$ and initial conditions $b = (1,1)$. Moreover, it has a inhomogeneous sequence given by $g_n = (-1)^n$ for $n > 1$ with a generating function $G(z) = \sum_{n\geq0} (-1)^{n} z^n = (1+z)^{-1}$. Therefore, $G(z)$ is rational function with polynomials $P_I(z) = 1$ and $Q_I(z) = 1 + x$. As result, the generating function for $f_n$ given by the procedure I am describing is:
\[F(z) = \frac{1 + z + z^2}{1 - 3 z^2 - 2 z^3}.\]The $F(z)$ has poles two poles $\eta_1 = -1, \eta_2 = 1/2$ in where $-1$ has multiplicity of $2$ or $m_1 = 2, m_2 = 1$. The residuals are $r_{1,1} = -1/9, r_{1,2} = 1/3, r_{2,1} = -7/18$. The residual polynomial is zero or $h_i = 0$. I extracted all these numbers after running the algorithm and converting them to their closest fraction representation. Moreover, using the fact that $\binom{n}{n} = 1$ and $\binom{n+1}{n} = n+1$, then the close form for this sequence is
\[\begin{aligned} f_n =& [(-\eta_1)^{-1} r_{1,1} + (n+1)(-\eta_1)^{-2} r_{1,2}] \eta_1^{-n} + (-\eta_2)^{-1} r_{2,1} \eta_2^{-n} \newline =& (-1/9 + n/3 + 1/3)(-1)^n + (7/9) 2^n \newline =& 1/9[(2 + 3n)(-1)^n + (7)2^n]. \end{aligned}\]With this, I just reproduced similar result derived for this sequence in Concrete Mathematics4. The main advantage is that we are testing a numerical approach that allows us to explore any other inhomogeneous linear recurrence sequence consistent with the blog assumptions.
After researching for some time the closed-form expressions, I found that my initial surprise of their existence was superficial. In many ways, linear recursive expressions look like as a linear system of ordinary differential equations5. You could even think recursive expression as linear system difference equations6. Therefore the existence of a closed form is equivalent to having analytical solution resulting of integrating these equations. As someone initially trained in Physics, this is not surprising at all. However, because of the emphasis in physics is on studying continuum systems, I was not able to see the similarities between a linear system of differential and difference equations!

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